What different types of SEO are there

SEO or search engine optimisation is a collection of methods that are used to help websites rank as highly as possible in the search engine results. These results are created when users type in a keyword, key phrase or question into the search bar. For example, an SEO Agency Belfast way like www.rycomarketing.co.uk/digital-marketing-belfast/seo-belfast/ will work with clients to help boost their rankings. They will do this by utilising a number of different types of SEO. Here are a few of them.

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Technical SEO

In simple terms, technical SEO is a set of technical parameters that have an impact on a website’s visibility in search engines. Having a website optimised for search engines is crucial since this ensures that search engines can crawl and index it without any problems. This is the primary goal of technical SEO. The main elements of technical SEO include providing search engines that can access your website correctly, verifying your domain in Google Search Console, ensuring your sitemap is created perfectly and optimising your site structure and making sure your website operates well on both desktop and mobile.

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On page SEO

On the page, SEO refers to making a page more friendly to search engines and users, which can be achieved by improving the page itself. Search engines take a holistic view of a website, but the ranking is done on a page-by-page basis while search engines look at a website as a whole. This is why you should pay attention to every page available on your website in terms of optimising it for search engines. The main aspects include optimising page titles, H1 tags, headings and images.

Off-Page SEO

The purpose of off-page SEO is to promote your website. Off-page SEO has a lot to do with promoting your website on the Internet, as opposed to the previous SEO types that concentrated more on the infrastructure and content of your website. Off-page SEO consists of techniques that you can use to give your website exposure. Popular websites are more likely to rank higher on Google than those that are less popular. This is achieved through link building and brand promotion.

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