How does shade impact solar panels?

Shade has a huge impact on the potential energy capture of a solar panel. Let’s take a look at the impact of shade and what steps can be taken to prevent it.
What is the problem with shade?

Solar panels rely on sunshine, as it is only by harnessing energy from the sun that a solar panel can convert it into energy you can use in your home. Shade prevents this from happening. Solar panels located somewhere that is only in sunlight for half the day, for example, will obtain 50 per cent less energy than panels installed in areas where they gain a full day of sunshine. Furthermore, panels are made up of connected ‘strings’. This means that if just one of the strings is in the shade, none of the strings will capture solar energy.

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What is the solution?

The obvious solution is to ensure your solar panel gets as much sunlight as possible, which means installing panels where they are least likely to be affected by static shade, such as from buildings, and placing them on the side of the roof that gets the most sunlight hours.

There are other ways you can minimise the effects of shade; for example, bypass diodes are a new smart technology used in some solar panels that can find shaded ‘strings’ and remove them from the system temporarily so that the whole panel doesn’t become ineffectual when just some of it is shaded.

Companies that provide solar panel installation Burnham, such as, will provide advice and assistance with minimising and mitigating solar panel shade issues.

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By doing a proper assessment before installation, a solar panel installer will do their utmost to avoid shade, ensuring your panels are as effective as possible.

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