Keeping Calm and Reducing your Stress in the Festive Season

As we approach Christmas, there are lots of things that can cause stress levels to rise which then have a negative impact on our health. At this time of the year, making sure that you are aware of this and taking steps to manage those feelings of stress and anxiety that the festive season can bring, is essential to looking after your health.

Making sure that you take care of yourself around the festive season can also help you to enjoy it more rather than spending it feeling upset and worried. Here are some things that can help you to keep calm amidst all of the Christmas panic!

Focus on What you Can Control – In life there are a lot of things outside of our control and at Christmas things like family feuds and budget restrictions are some of those things which can cause a lot of anxiety. However, it is important to just focus on the things that you can do rather than the things that you cannot have an effect on.

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Plan Ahead – Being organised and planning in advance is a really good way to make sure that you are not likely to be caught out by something last minute or end up spending the last few days before Christmas in a rush! Make a list of all the things that you want to do and the things that you need. Once you have this you can get everything ready in advance and plan when you will do things so that it is spread out and not all in one go!

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Take Time for You – This is a really important part of being healthy. Although it can feel as though there are a lot of demands on your time and obligations to fulfil around this time of the year, try to make sure that you have time for yourself too. Spend time doing something relaxing that you enjoy – you might want to have a look at getting knitting kits like this as knitting is well known for being stress relieving, or you could relax with a good book and a long bath. Just make sure that you take the time to press the pause button and give yourself permission to rest and relax.

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