Tips for Driving a Van Safely

Vans are useful for giving you that additional space that you don’t get with a car. Whether you need a van for your work, or you need to hire one for something like moving house or going on holiday, you can get a rental van from somewhere like this van rental Bristol based company which you can use for as long as you need it and then return it.

Driving a van is different to driving a car, and if you have little or no experience of driving a van it is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the differences between car and van driving and how to drive the van safely before you get in and start driving!

These are some of the things to be aware of before you start driving the van…

Parking – Because a van is much larger than a car, you need to be particularly aware of this when you are parking, as you won’t be used to parking a larger vehicle. Because there is no rear-view mirror in a van to help you, take extra care to look all around you using your side mirrors and take it slowly, giving yourself plenty of time and space to manoeuvre into the right place.

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Road Safety – Van drivers have a bad reputation on the road, so make sure that you are being courteous to other motorists and road users, such as cyclists and horse riders. This is something that you should do no matter what vehicle you drive, but it is particularly important when you are driving a larger vehicle.

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Comfort and Position – Before you go anywhere make sure that you are comfortable in the van and spend some time familiarising yourself with where everything is that you need, from windscreen wipers to headlights. Get the seat into a comfortable position and check that your mirrors are angled correctly to give you the best visibility of what is around you.

Capacity – Another thing that you need to be aware of is the load capacity of the van. Be aware of the maximum weight that you can put in it so that you do not overload the vehicle. When loading, you also need to ensure that the weight is evenly distributed and that the load is properly secured.

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