Four Ways to Improve Office Health and Safety

Working in an office is not considered a dangerous job, however it is still important to take health and safety seriously in whatever kind of workplace you have. Here are some of the things that can pose health and safety risks in an office, and how to protect against them…

Slips and Falls – This can be a hazard in an office – things like wet floors from spillages, or trailing wires from computers and other electricals can make a slip or a fall more likely. Ensure that all floors are kept clear of this type of hazard by making sure that all cables are tidy and organised, and no obstacles are left in walkways.

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Spread of Sickness –  Most offices can be quite busy, with a lot of people working in one space. If the office is not kept clean and hygienic, this means that illness can spread quickly around the workplace. Not only is this an unpleasant thing for people to have to deal with, but it is also detrimental to the business, as it results in lots of people being sick.

Getting a professional like this office cleaning Gloucester based company to give the office a good clean regularly, can really help to stop illness from spreading.

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Unsafe Electrical Equipment – There are lots of electrical items in an office, and this can mean that fire and electric shock are two big risks. In order to keep it safe, electrical equipment that is used in the office should be regularly tested by a qualified electrician to ensure that it is safe.

If you suspect something is not safe, then it should be turned off and not used. If any liquids are spilled onto electricals this can also make them dangerous, so ensure that care is taken with things like drinks near to computers for example.

Back and Neck Problems – Working at a desk all day every day is not great for posture, and this can result in back and neck problems that impact health long term. Ensuring that everyone who works in the office can sit comfortably and knows how to reduce the risk of developing back and problems is essential.

Some of the things that can help to prevent this include:

Taking regular breaks from the screen, getting up to walk around and moving the muscles

Providing a footrest to help posture

Ensuring that the chair is comfortable and supports the back

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