The Different Types of Pipe Lining For Drains

In years gone by, if you had a clogged drain, it usually meant your plumber was on his way. The days of pulling up behind your house, digging through your yard and possibly causing damage to your lawn are over. Today, when you call your local Drainage Cleaning company such as Wilkinson Environmental, you can rest assured that if your drain is blocked or clogged, they will arrive in a very short time. Drain lining systems come in various shapes and sizes, with varying drain obstruction densities.

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If only there was another option which wasn’t as complicated and involved digging into the ground to locate the blockage, easy access is now gained at ground level and most minor repairs are performed inside the drain itself. Think of drain lining like keyhole surgery in your drains, which is usually carried out by a simple low-level access hole and without the minimum of fuss and disruption to your yard. Resin drain lining is a very popular, proven method of keeping drains open. Resin drainage systems provide years of trouble-free maintenance, while also providing ideal for the environment, as little is required to maintain and repel dirt, debris, mold and mildew.

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There are different types of materials used to create these pipes, including copper, steel, PVC, pipe lining, etc. Copper piping, for example, is known for its durability and strength, but it can also be susceptible to corrosion from rain, tree sap, and road salt all of which can cause a pipe to deteriorate. PVC pipes, on the other hand, are a much more affordable option, but they don’t have as much resilience as steel. Resin pipes provide the ultimate in pipe integrity because they are made up of special resins that resist corrosion and keep water out while providing an impervious barrier to water infiltration. They also resist breakage and provide a non corrosive, waterproof coating that makes them an excellent choice for any sized drain application.

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