What is digital marketing

Marketing is incredibly important to any business and there are many ways in which this can be achieved. Digital marketing is one such ‘umbrella’ method. It groups together a number of different ways in which you can market to your potential and current customers and clients using the many different digital platforms that you have available to you. If you are wondering how this type of marketing could benefit you and your business it is a good idea to speak with a Digital Marketing Leicester company such as https://www.lnetdigital.co.uk/ to find out more.

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There are lots of different types of online digital marketing and here are just a few of the options that you have available to choose from:

  • SEO – search engine optimisation is a way of making your web pages more attractive to Google and other search engines. There are on page and off page SEO strategies that can be used depending on what your business goal is.

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  • Social Media – again there are a number of platforms that can be used such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram and the ones that will benefit you the most will depend very much on the customer segment that you are trying to appeal to. You don’t need to be active across all the platforms if they are not appropriate for you.
  • Email marketing – by having a signup form on your website you can collect the email address of people who are happy for you to keep in touch with them on a regular basis. This type of email marketing allows you to then send them newsletters and updates on your products and services.

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